Today, we’re going to reveal 3 signs your ex secretly wants you back.
These 3 signs will get him to come crawling back on his knees, whether your breakup is good or bad. Even if he says he would never want to talk to you again, the hints in this article will help you understand his true feelings.
Breaking up with someone you still love is never easy.
If you are suffering from the separation and feeling like you can’t live without that person, then you’ve come to the right place. In the following, you’ll find 3 signs telling whether your ex secretly wants you back or you should just move on.
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Top 3 Signs Your Ex Still Can’t Let You Go

1. Your ex says they "hate" you
When hearing the word "hate" from your ex, don’t quickly feel disappointed. In this case, their "hate" isn’t opposite of love. If they say or text that they "hate" you, the true meaning is that their emotions for you are still strong and uncertain. Generally, their feelings are as passionate as before.
See also: How to improve relationship communication?
Do you think you and your ex are meant to be together? Do you want them back?
If both answers are yes, then you can convert their "hate" to love and lust because that’s how they actually feel. There’s a song called "Hate That I Love You", so don’t quickly conclude their feelings with the "hate" word.
A person who is really over you won’t feel anything towards you. It’s apathy!
2. Your ex talks bad about you to everyone
You may think what’s wrong with this sign.
If your ex want to come back to you, they must say good things about you instead of talk bad about to everyone he can. It can be a bit complicated, but keep reading to understand what he actually means.
When you find your ex complaining about you to people you know (friends, colleagues, or even family) on the social media, it has 3 possibilities:
- Like the first sign, they still care about you and needs your attention. Be happy if they show any powerful, strong emotion because it’s a positive sign that your ex wants to get back to you.
- The next possibility is that your ex wants others to think of them as the good person in the relationship. The act of talking bad about you to everyone is a way to look for pity. Between the two of you, they are trying to be the victim and in need of others’ assurance telling that he made the right choice by ended things with you.
- Are you seeing anyone lately? If yes, this behavior of theirs implies their unconscious jealousy. They feel annoyed with the idea of you being with anyone else. That’s why talking bad about you is their last effort in winning you back as well as disrupting anyone from dating you.
3. Your ex quickly dates someone else
Some ask me, "Can I still get my ex back even if they are dating someone else?"
The answer is that you can, but breaking them up or not, it’s up to your decision. When seeing your ex dating someone quickly after the breakup with you, it doesn’t mean they have found the true mate of their life.
The truth is that they can’t cope with the loneliness because you’re no longer around.
Without you, they desperately miss the security, connection, and love they once had. Rather than facing the pain caused by the breakup, they look for a new lover to replace your role in his heart.
Does their new partner look like you?
If your ex starts seeing someone who has nothing like you right after the breakup, then it’s a good sign proving that your ex doesn’t like their new lover for who they actually are at all. In case they force themselves to date a person just because they’re not you, this means you’ve still got a hold on their heart.
How to Know If Your Ex Misses You?
One of the definite signs that person still misses you is that they don’t change their profile picture which is a photo of you two together. Besides, they may like your social media posts regularly; sometimes, they even comment randomly that they miss you. Just have a look at the social media, and you can tell if your ex misses you or not.
The next sign is that your ex call or text you all the time. Not that they will bombard you with calls and messages every day, but it has to be more than thrice a week. They are doing the same thing as when they chased after you before. They don’t want you to forget about them; therefore, they will come up with any possible way to get your attention.
Another sign that your ex wants you to come back is that they will make contact with you anytime. They miss you and want to see you in real life to know whether or not you are really find. Deep down they are waiting for you to call them so that the two of you can set a date later.
Have you been ignoring your ex?
It’s useless as they will still make contact to see how you are doing. If your ex tries to contact you after the breakup, it’s a sign he is missing you.
So, you’ve discovered top 3 signs your ex secretly wants you back!
Do they really want to come back to you?
If you can answer “yes” to at least 2 of the 3 signs I just mentioned above, it means on some level your ex still wants you back. Be positive! The door is still open for the two of you. No matter what mistakes and misunderstandings occurred in the past, it’s time to let go. Forgive each other and create an astonishing page with that person.
Treat one another with love and understanding, and you can finally have a long lasting relationship you’ve always longed for.
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