How to get a girl to like you over text is an art and not all guys are good at it. So, how to get her attention? How to keep the conversation light and interesting instead of making her bored?
Although chatting with women on social media or online dating apps seems to be easier than talking directly in real life, it still requires skills of impressing. Otherwise, you could turn off your crush.
Don’t take your eyes off the ways to flirt with girls over texting!
Quickly check out the tips and tricks on how to win over a girl’s heart through text in the following to successfully get the person you like for a long time!
Table of Contents
Ways to Attract Her over Text Messages…

1/ Stop boring and predictable messages right away
The content of the text must be interesting and attractive. In case you can’t think of something fun or interesting, then you shouldn’t text her.
Stay away from messages like “How are you today?” “Have you eaten yet?”
She’s probably fed up with those messages from you and maybe other guys. You must come up with something out of the ordinary for your new texting in order to make yourself special in her eyes.
See also: How to know if a guy likes you quiz
2/ Quality over quantity
According to experts on dating apps for guys, you should control your emotions after getting to know her. Don’t send too many texts as soon as she texts you. Let her wait, think, and feel curious about you.
One thing you can be assured of is that, for ladies, responding to messages quickly or slowly is not as important as the content.
Quality is preferred over quantity.
Let her know that you’re an interesting talker. What else? Show that you are a confident, considerate and humorous person through the way you text with her.
3/ Avoid stereotypes and cliché
This is one of the best way to get a girl through texting!
The girls especially hate messages from phrases that people often apply in life such as: "Have you eaten?" "Where are you?" "What are you doing?" Besides, sending generic or nonsensical text messages doesn’t interest her.
To be successful in flirting with your girl, you should send private, secretive messages between the two of you. Pay more attention to what she says, sometimes teasing her a little will help the conversation become more "flavored".
This makes you more captivated in her eyes.
4/ Be sweet, polite, and short
Long messages are often boring and give off your vibe as an overly enthusiastic person. Therefore, you should text her with short, in-depth content, about two or three sentences is fine. Moreover, try texts with funny content, or it could be subtle or intimate to test her reaction.
That’s also a good way to flirt with girls over text.
Read more: Breaking up with someone via text
5/ Fix your spelling and grammar
Paying attention to spelling and grammar is an effective way to flirt with girls over text
Remember, your girl won’t have the patience to read your messages if they have serious spelling and grammar mistakes. You should re-read your words and double-check it before sending to her. Also do not abuse exclamation points, question marks, or emojis too much.
This will sometimes be annoying!
6/ Wait for her response
You should avoid texting 5-7 consecutive texts without a reply from her. Please wait for her to respond slowly and then reply. Also, to get her to reply your messages, you’re advised to use questions – this is a good way of stirring her curiosity.
7/ Don’t prolong the conversation
An important skill in texting is how to end a conversation before it gets boring.
When you talk for too long, you will fall short of interesting topics. This makes the conversation awkward and no longer exciting. Try to avoid this from happening. When you feel you have run out of the topic. End the conversation with witty and flirtatious words like “I have to go, we’ll talk tomorrow.” “You have to be careful when I’m not around!”
This type of texting will both make her happy and help you avoid the embarrassment of not knowing how to continue texting.
8/ Don’t ask her personal info
When getting to know any girl, especially the one you have never talked to before, through the phone, you should only learn some information such as her name, age, hometown, etc.
Put it simply, you should not ask too much about her personal information or private life, such as how many people in her family, what her parents do, where she works, or how much her salary is per month, in the first talk.
Just keep the conversation light and comfortable!
Find out if he loves you without saying!
9/ Be positive
Keep the conversation positive.
When texting a girl you like, try to spread your positive energy through your texts. Your job is to lift her mood, not bring it down. If you make it a habit to smile when texting her, you’ll naturally deliver the positivity into your messages.
Never complain about how boring your working day is. She’s not your best friend whom you can whine about your boss or the job where you’ve worked so hard but the results aren’t what you wanted.
Even if your day is really bad, there is always at least one highlight you can choose from. Set a rule for yourself – if you can’t think of anything interesting to say, just put the phone down and come back later.
Never text a girl when you’re in a negative mood!
In a Nutshell
Generally, how to get a girl to like you over text?
These tips above will help you text your crush without causing boredom, making you attract her quickly and conquer her heart at your best. If you are interested, please check out more dating articles on this site to have more ways winning over the person you love faster.
Good luck!
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