We all know that breakup is never a happy experience. If you are the dumpee, at that moment you will surely feel sad, frustrated, and hurt. Then, how about the person who dumped you? How long does it take a man to realise what he lost?
If you’re curious about that, you’ve come to the right place.
There comes a time where your ex will realize what he has lost. I can’t tell you the exact time as it depends on the kind of man he is and the relationship that both of you had. But, according to love experts, there are 4 moments in which all the guys realize that they’re already screwed up.
In today’s article, let’s find out what these moments are!
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When Your Ex Realizes He Had Lost a Good Partner…

We all get hurt when it comes to breakups, but please note that men go through that differently than women.
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Firstly, a guy does not process breakups like the way a girl usually do; that explains why his behavior is cold and insensitive. While you’re here crying so hard because of losing him, he seems to be over it already without any trouble. You may feel frustrated and unfair, and then wonder if he really loved you before.
The truth is that he experiences the same things as you do. However, those feelings will come to him at a different time because he tries to suppress them at first. As soon as he reaches the final stages of denial and regret, he will encounter 4 moments making him realize what he has lost.
Time to discover!
1. He can’t find any kind person like you
He will realize he’s lost a good woman when he can’t find anyone that kind.
After breaking up with you, your ex will start seeing other women in order to move on from the relationship with you. The more girls he hangs out with, the more he realizes that meeting someone who is truly genuine and kind is hard.
Lots of beautiful ladies out there, definitely, and each has their own unique charms and qualities. But maybe none of the girls he meets is as kind to him as you were. Even though kindness is the last thing he noticed in you in the past, he soon feels the lack of it once you’re no longer around.
If your ex can’t find a girl giving him the same amount of kindness as you did before, he will regret his decision of breaking up and wish you to come back again.
2. He has no one that deeply cares for him
Just like kindness, deeply caring for someone is also taken for granted in a relationship, and we only realize it when it’s no longer present in our lives. These days, finding a caring person is rare, but finding a person who truly and deeply cares for us is much rarer. This reality will soon hit him and he will regret his decision for letting you go.
Of course, some may think that he still has his family and friends, why makes a big deal? Well, they do care about him a lot, but that type of care can’t replace the platonic care between two individuals in love. At the end, he can’t help missing all the moments of you taking care of him, especially when he was sick.
When will he come to this realization?
It’s probably when he does the chores in the house where you two were living together before. Looking at all the familiar corners reminds him of you, like how you two helped each other do the laundry. Since you always took care of the housework, he realizes that his life was easier because of you.
This is when he will also notice how much he took you for granted and never appreciated you, and then he will regret about the breakup again.
3. He notices that you’ve moved on
The clearest moment making your ex realize that he has lost you is when he sees you moving on from the relationship with him. Once he feels that you truly happy without him, he will come to the realization that he can’t get you back anymore, as you are no longer his.
This later will create feelings of frustration and then regret because it took him a long time to realize that lucky he was in love with an amazing woman and what a terrible mistake he made when breaking up with you.
This is the part where you can get him to crawl back to you and fall hard for you again (if you still love him).
4. He feels like no one understands him
A deep, mutual understanding is the most significant thing that all couples look for. When in love, the connection the two of you share is incomparable, and even his friends or family can’t understand him better than you.
Normally, a partner is a person who can read you well and know exactly what your need is, and these are the foundation of a strong relationship.
When your ex breaks up with you and starts meeting new people, he will soon realize that nobody seems to understand him like the way you did. This is the moment where the reality hits him, making him become conscious and regrettable about what he has lost. Depending on your relationship, this regret might linger forever, and he might never forget you even when he has seemingly moved on.
In Conclusion
Typically men will realize what they lost if their ex is a good woman who is kind and loves them with a whole heart. However, it won’t happen right away!
So, how long does it take a man to realise what he lost? It only comes at certain moments; for example, when memories cross in his mind and trigger him to remember you whom he used to love and the previous relationship that both shared.
I hope you will get the answer in this article!
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