Why her and not you?
One of the worst parts about falling for someone is that your feelings are not reciprocated; sometimes it even ends terribly. I have to say that this situation can happen to almost all women on the universe; in other words, you are not alone.
After everything you put in work, your love interest finally gets engaged to another lady.
What to do when he chooses someone else over you?
The best thing but also the hardest part: moving on!
In case you truly love him and can’t accept the lost, then keep calm and learn for a way to get him back. With full tips on casting a spell on your ex, you’re able to win back his heart if the two of you are really meant to each other.
Also, the positive energy of the spell to keep someone else from your man can help you achieve a great love in the end.
The moment you seem to be certain about his heart, he eventually throws the truth at your face. They say the truth hurts, but this sometimes hurts more. Let’s find out reasons why he chooses another lady over you in this article!
Table of Contents
5 Reasons You are NOT the Right Person for Him

It completely sucks when he acts like he really likes you. Guys are the unpredictable creature and often make us women confused with their gentle manners. They drive us crazy wondering if they really has feelings for us or are just being nice.
You feel like he’s afraid of his feelings towards you?
There are indeed plenty of different factors making him choose her over you.
For example, probably she has things he expects from his ideal type that you don’t have. However, that is not the main reason he leaves you behind. Continue reading and you will gain insight on what already occurs to you.
Here are 5 reasons why he doesn’t want to go further romantically with you:
#1: You two have no strong connection
He cannot open up to you immediately after just one or two meetings, of course.
If you really like him, then both of you must become closer and share more things deeper on the emotional level with each other. He finds it hard to develop his feelings if you keep him at a distance or put up your guards. Learn to break up with him over text nicely in case your relationship goes nowhere – forcing brings no happiness.
Guys tend to go with the woman whom he has a better emotional connection with.
Also read: How to tell emotionally unavailable men are in love?
#2: You behave a bit clingy
After being intimate with the guy you like, you’ll definitely want to dedicate all of your time to him. Though you just need time to get closer to him, this kind of clingy act will scare him off.
He prefers the woman with nonchalant attitude when it comes to this matter.
Much worse, in some situations, he asks you to remain friends with him even when he chooses someone over you.
Rather than being around him most of the time, you should take part in other activities. You can love him, but at the same you should respect his private space. Don’t freak out when he forgets to call you at night. Guys are attracted to the independent lady who always keeps herself busy.
Change yourself and there will be a chance he asking you to come back if he still has feelings for you.
#3: You may not get along well with his friends
Men (most of them) really care what their friends think.
So if your love interest is wavering between you and her, he will definitely need his friends’ opinions. If he takes you to meet his friends, chances are he wants to know what they think about you. If they tell him any concern they have with you, he will definitely take it into consideration.
In your case, your friends will do a little investigation with the guy you are having a crush to find out if he is emotionally unavailable or just not into you, for instance.
Having his friends’ approval is actually an advantage!
#4: You can’t stop nagging
You may not realize but probably he dislikes women who keep complaining about everything, even the little ones. For sure you can voice your opinions when you feel he did something annoying you; nonetheless, please know the difference between speaking your mind and nagging.
He respects the woman not biting her tongue when upset and enabling to speak to him like an adult.
#5: You are not fun to be with
Who doesn’t want to live a life full of excitement, right?
If a guy plans on settling down with someone, he will certainly go with the person who is fun to be with. If his choice is not you, then you may be a bit too serious for him or perhaps you are not ready to step out your comfort zone.
He wants to spend his life with the girl who knows how to have fun, thrives for thrill-seeking activities, and always has a bright smile on the face.
Final Thoughts
You cannot make anyone want you, so do not blame yourself when he chooses someone else over you.
Do not hate the person that wins his heart.
No matter how much heartbroken you are, your love interest couldn’t force himself to be with you. Being angry over the time will also not bring you happiness.
All you can do after the rejection is to keep a positive mind, take care of yourself well, look your best, and be your truest self. There are plenty of people in this world, so you will eventually find someone deserve your heart.
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