Being emotionally unavailable means he will not be serious in a healthy, happy relationship.
Why you have to waste time on this dead-end guy when all he gives you are just hurt and pain, as well as unanswered questions? The thing is: ignoring an emotionally unavailable man is difficult, especially when he keeps coming back.
Who doesn’t want their love romance to last forever?
Believe it or not, the power of spell to keep your man from your life can be used for an emotional release in this case. He may store a great deal of negative energy in his gut areas; this explains why he can’t let go of this relationship. Don’t try to change him, as only emotionally unavailable men can make the decision for themselves. This actually frustrates you the most!
Learn how to break up with him through text if he stubbornly comes back to you!
So, is it possible to move on from a relationship with the emotionally unavailable guy?
What to Do When He Keeps Coming Back?

It’s not easy to fall in love with a guy who isn’t emotionally unavailable.
Keep in mind that this kind of man will never crawl to win your hear back. He is a professional when it comes to manipulation, and he always has different ways to draw you to him, such as the jealousy game, showing off, and staying friends with you.
The purpose of showing you only the best of him is to make you miss him like crazy, and sadly it works in most situations.
We are blinded in love and cannot think clearly – he knows that exactly.
Here are 4 things you should do if feeling the possibility that your emotionally unavailable man will come back:
#1: Stay out of reach
In the beginning, you expect that he could be the man of your dream; however, he soon has proven that he’s just another jerk appearing in your life. Now you know he’s not the right person for you and you also know he played with your heart many times before, but how to get over him when you fell hopelessly in love with?
Walking away from an emotionally unavailable man is beneficial for you!
You feel hopeless when he comes back even when you let him go?
Directly tell him you’re so done with him. Never make yourself available whenever he calls or texts you. If he tries to make you jealous, simply show him that you don’t care.
Ignore his existence or give him a smile in polite manners if two of you are in the public place. Avoid getting yourself involved in his games and toxic love; it’s much better to stay out of his reach.
#2: Focus on the negatives of the relationship with him
Not many good times when you’re with a man not emotionally unavailable. You will never be his priority and of course he will never include you into his future.
If you really want to be apart from him, then focus on the negatives. Think of the times you stared at an empty screen for hours waiting for his message. Think of the times he promised you the universe but then disappointed you with nothing.
Remind yourself that his true self is definitely not the person he pretended he was.
#3: Apply the no contact rule
Whether he is afraid of showing his feelings or not, you’re advised to run away from the relationship where you are the only one who sacrifices.
Once you completely know who he is, please do not put yourself at his beck. No matter how much you love him, cut him off and don’t immediately run to him as soon as he calls you…sometimes you need to defend yourself firstly.
Don’t be sad if seeing him choosing another girl over you because you aren’t his only victim, remember.
Remember to avoid remaining friends with him after he broke up with you. If you show him any sign of mercy, he’ll certainly come back!
#4: Fix yourself
Being in a relationship with this guy really spoils you!
Just because you fell once, it doesn’t mean you give up the whole path ahead of your life. Just because you believed in a wrong person, it doesn’t mean you will keep making mistakes.
Be a fierce, strong woman who will be determined with her decisions and loves herself more. No matter what life throws at you, stand still on the ground and confidently deal with everything.
Don’t let anyone make you feel weak!
Final Words
Ignoring an emotionally unavailable man completely requires a long period because you have to make sure he doesn’t come back again.
Well, don’t assume emotionally unavailable men as evil persons; in fact, they can be good guys and behave rightly in the relationship – but only if they want to make changes themselves.
However, if he is not acting like your love partner as he’s supposed to, then you are wasting your valuable time.
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